Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Officially an adult!

So I'm 18 and I actually feel extremely old and useless, my life has to get serious and so many changes are going to take place in the coming year which frightens me to death. Looking back at my memories whilst making the collage was actually a nice walk down memory lane. 'Bay watch baby' in the top right was the epitome of my childhood teasing- I don't know what possessed my mother to take the picture in that light!? But some day I'll set a trend of being a baby baywatch star! LOL (maybe not).

 To take things off the edge of my future endeavours I thought I'd use good old Google to search 'what becoming 18 entails' and you'll be surprised what came up!

{This is for LOL purposes only.}

1. Buy tobacco
2. Change your name
3. Get a tattoo
4. Buy fireworks.
5. Buy spray paint
6. Work more hours
7. Sue someone
8. Be sued
9. Purchase liquid white out
10. Pawn something
11. Get married
12. Get divorced
13. Adopt a child
14. Be on Jerry Springer
15. Make a will
16. Buy a lottery ticket
17. Get a hotel room
18. You can view, rent, or buy pornographic material that does not contravene UK obscenity laws.
19. Go to a night club
20.  Bet in a betting shop/casino
21. Skydive
22. Sign legal documents
23. Stand for elections
24. Get a blockbuster membership
25. Get a loan
26. Buy insurance
27. Donate blood
28. Enlist in the military
29. Rent a movie
30.  You can drive lorries weighing up to 7.5 tonnes, with a trailer attached.
31. Sign a legal contract
32. Begin earning credit
33. Smoke a cigarette
34. Chew tobacco
35. Move out of the parental units house
36. Get paid more
37. Go to an adult jail
38. Be convicted as an adult
39. Become an undercover cop
40. Work full-time
41. Become a flight attendant
42. Purchase Nicorette gum
43. Purchase "the patch"
44. Drive any time of day
45. Visit a porn site
46. Visit a porn store
47. Become a stripper
48. Work in an alcohol serving establishment
49. Work in bar
50. Get a bar tending license
51. Vote
52. Pay a utility bill
53. Buy a monkey (w/ a license)
54. Open an eBay account
55. Carry a weapon (w/ a license)
56. Order something off T.V.
57. Go bungee jumping
58.Rent a port-a-potty
59.Rent a house
60. Be a manager
61. Sign yourself out of school
62. Start your own business
63. Rent a post office box
64. Drive a company vehicle
65. Drive an ice cream truck
66. Buy a house
67. Apply for benefits at work
68. Pay taxes
69. Get a PayPal account
70. Have the freedom and independence you didn't have before

Wow being 18 is not gonna be dull after all!

1 comment:

  1. Now i am fully aware of what i can do at 18 :-D
    61. Sign yourself out of school
    Now that is living life on the edge lool


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